Tuesday, March 17, 2009

check ourselves

We are not perfect human. So , we have to check ourselves every day.We have to realise whether we have done wrong or right.Sometimes, we thought the action that we have taken is right at the first time.But , it is actually wrong when we are thinking the action for the second time.So , we have to think deeply before making a right decision.Don`t act with our emotion.We have to make ourselves cool before making a decision.It is because the action that we will take is related to other people.We have to care about other people`s feelings.We are going to live with people, so we have to make ourselves the best for them so that they will feel comfortable to make friends with us.Maybe we are thinking that there are bad people that have done something bad to us.Forget about the bad things and keep doing good things to them.Actually, by doing the good things to them,they will realise about their wrong and insya-Allah they will become a good person.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Learn and think

As a student, everyday we will learn something new especially in class. But sometimes we are not realised that every things that have happened our life is a type of lesson .We can learn them as an experience to continue our life as a human or a khalifah on the earth . The experience in our life contains lessons to increase our maturity. We also can learn from our environment , from what Allah have invented in this world. We can use the knowledge from our observation to make ourselves near to our inventor,Allah. We can also use the knowledge in order to make our life more easier by applying the knowledge to make something new . By the observation , we can also feel that we only the weak servant to Allah. So, the feeling to love and afraid to Allah will come. Insya Allah we can be a grateful person,grateful for what we have now and grateful to Allah.
But not all things that we can learn from what we have thought only. The hukum that have been stated in Al-Quran , Al-Hadis , Ijmak and Qiyas cannot be denied by us. The statement of hukum have its own hikmah bhind the hukum. We cannot only use our brains to think about that but the thinking must be with our knowledge in religion and our belief in Allah.
Hopefully, we can use our brain that have been given by Allah as a nikmat to us to be used wisely.Don`t use the nikmat for other unbeneficial actions.Remember Allah always......

Friday, March 13, 2009

Playing with words

We have to aware with every words that we have said. We have to think before we say something.Don`t speak with our desire but with your good thoughts.Don`t make others become uncomfortable with what we have said.
Why we have to be careful with words?
Actually, words play the main role in our life.In Islam, we have to be careful with our words. Words are known as the pray in Islam. What you have said either the words are good or not , it will be your doa. Because of that, as a muslim we have to take care with our words. Other than that, words can decide about your relationship with your friends. If you can control your words properly, you will never have a good friend. Maybe you will have friends, but not a real friend. Real friend means a friend that will be with us either in good or bad condition.
What are the role of words in our life?
1) As a medium to communicate with other people.
2) As a medium to show our mentality and maturity in certain situation.
3) Our behaviour can be shown by words.
Actually, there many topics that can be discussed about words.But the discussion will be done in other post maybe.So, we can take advantage to change our life to become a better person especially a better muslim.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


This is my first post in this blog. I hope that my participation in this blog will give me a lot of benefits so that it is not a type of wasting . As we know, Islam really wants that ourselves to do not waste anything that we have such as time,energy and facilities that we have.Lastly,I hope that everyone who will open this blog will get benefits from their action